
The last meeting, I have presented with Ana, Siwi, and Desy about validity our items that we have made and examined it in the SD Banyubiru 03. We get language subject grade 5.  And we have analysis it using excel about total valid, invalid and error, and reliabilities and validities the items.

We analysis our items using SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solutions ) that is a application program that has analysis enough high statistic ability and system data management at the graphic area with easy and simple operation.  


It is very important to the all teacher in the world to know how validity and reliability your items. So you can measure your student with valid items. Many teachers forget to do it, but after I know this I will try it in the future when I became a real teacher.

Thanks you very much for this semester…God Bless U all..


The last meetin…


This semester in Teaching Assessment subject I have learned more knowledge, all about how to assess my students in the future; I get new knowledge to be applied.

I have learned about:

  1. Assessment Portfolio.

Assessment Portfolio is assessment that enable good cooperative between the teacher and the student. This is not only the student’s work collection but also the most important that is there is selection process based on certain criteria to be a work of student’s collection.

In other hand,

Portfolio is a purposeful collection of student work that tells the story of the student achievement or growth. Portfolios are not folders of all work a student does. (

2. Analysis Test Items

Based on S.Hamid and Asmawi (1991), analysis test items are needed to:

–          To know the strengthens and weakness about the items 

–          To get more specific information completely so will be easier the teacher to arrange the items.

–          To know the problems as soon as in the items

There are two kind of analysis.

1.Qualitative Analysis

Research based on the principle of writing items (writing test, activity, behavior)

Aspect that is noticed: every item is tested from materials side, constructivist, language or culture, and answer keys.

Moderator technical is discussion technical that in here, there is one person as the middle.

Panel technical is examining the test based on the principle of writing test items.

2.Quantitative analysis

Research based on the empiric data from the items.


Difficulty grade

Difficulty grade is mark that shows student’s proportion who right answers an item (Slameto, 2010). Difficulty grade items are opportunity to answer right item based on certain ability.

Index difficulty grade (P) = all the students that answer right items are divided all the students

Different capacity

Different capacity is an index that shows how multiple choices different the smart students and enough students.

Daya Beda (DB)= (KA – KB)/0.5xJ

KA= jumlah peserta dalam kelompok atas yang menjawab benar

KB= jumalah kelompok dalam kelompok bawah yang menjawab benar

J= jumlah seluruh peserta dari kelompok atas dan bawah


I think that this materials so important to be known because it is very useful to make right items if we to be a teacher in the future. Know the difficult or not items so we can examine our students well.



This semester i…


This semester, I have learned many materials better it is new or it is usually like using Mic. Word and Excel, in other hand I have learned about:
1.Microsoft Word

This application is very usual, I have learned about how to make mathematic‘s items by adding equation. And, make shapes and coloring it.
2.Microsoft Excel

I have learned to make ranking number, I imagine that I’m a teacher and mark my students


That is the first project to make wordpress, I think it is very confusing at the first I try to make it, it must connect to internet when I made it. But, now I can use and make it better than the firs. Key of making wordpress is step by step and don’t panic

The great thing about Flickr as opposed to Google Images is, if there is not a Creative Commons license assigned to the photo, it is easy to find contact information for the photographer in order to ask permission to use the photo for educational purposes.

That application enables you to make presentation beside power point. But, if you want make presentation using prezi you must connect with internet. It is very easy and interesting.

I have tried it, and I can make presentation using this.  Or you can use slideshare if you want make the other presentation beside prezi or power point.

Weebly is like a website. it is very intersting and very easy to make this.
7.Presentation tools

It is very easy to use Google tools,but, you must have gmail account to use it, and don’t forget to connect with internet
there are Document, Presentation, Spreadsheet, Form, Drawing
 I try to use drawing and form.
it is very easy to use, in drawing you just draw as want you do, don’t forget to be creative..:D
Drawing can be applied went you want to make a learning media. in my drawing I made about SBI 2010 picture, In my opinion the picture can be used when we teach the student, for example to teach about color, shape, number,etc
it is easy..
i think that it is very easy to be used just try it and make your own questions..
it is very easy and simple,,
i made the form about ” how long you spend your time “

Program that enable you make video, but you must install jing application to make it.

It is very simple, just make what do you want to make, for example how to make hyperlink in Power point that by using jing, upload by screencast and get the embed than you can shared.


That is my review on this semester, I’m sorry I can’t do it one by one, because I don’t have much time to do all the tasks, I have family, friends and boyfriend and even I follow the student body (Senat Mahasiswa), all my time spend on many activities. I have tried the best, I done all my tasks but I don’t review this, I can use that and I get the new knowledge although I didn’t review this.  Thanks you and God Bless Us…. 🙂


This semester, …


Constructivist Learning

Reviewed by: Widita

Constructivist can be traced to the eighteenth century and the work of the philosopher Giambattista Vico, who maintain that humans can understand only what they have themselves constructed. Constructivist is an overarching theory that does not intend to demolish but to reconstruct past and present teaching and learning theories, its concern lying in shedding light on the learner as an important agent in the learning process, rather than in wresting the power from the teacher. It is very obvious that the accent is on the learner than to the teacher, where the learner constructs his own conceptualization and finds his own solutions to problems.


        That students must be engaged in meaningful activities that induce them apply the concepts they are trying to learn. It means that the students can’t learn by means of rote memorization, they can learn by “direct learning”


        The basic of learning is discovery, “to understand is discovery, or reconstruct by rediscovery”


        Learning is a social process, whereby students construct new concepts based on current knowledge. The students select information, construct hypotheses, and make decision.

        So, constructivist is a modern version of human anatomy, in the sense that it is based on, and provides insight into, brain mechanism, mental structures and willingness.


Constructivist …



Reviewed by : Widita

Howard Gardner viewed intelligence as ‘the capacity to solve problems or to fashion products that are valued in one or more cultural setting’ (Gardner & Hatch, 1989).

There are eight multiple intelligences theory by Howard Gardner’s:

1.  Linguistic and Verbal Intelligence
It nvolves sensitivity to spoken and written language, the ability to learn languages.

Good With Words

  • You are a good writer
  • People say you “have a way with words”
  • You tell good stories
  • You like to debate or argue
  • You have a great vocabulary
    Logical-mathematical intelligence
    Consists of the capacity to analyze problems logically, carry out mathematical operations, and investigate issues scientifically.
    Musical intelligence
    Involve skill in the performance, composition, and appreciation of musical patterns.
    4.Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence

    Entail the potential of using one’s whole body or parts of the body to solve problems. It is the ability to use mental abilities to coordinate bodily movements.
    5. Spatial intelligence
    involves the potential to recognize and use the patterns of wide space and more confined areas.
    6.Interpersonal intelligence
    It is concerned with the capacity to understand the intentions, motivations and desires of other people. It allows people to work effectively with others.
    7. Intrapersonal intelligence
    Entail the capacity to understand oneself, to appreciate one’s feelings, fears and motivations. In Howard Gardner’s view it involves having an effective working model of ourselves, and to be able to use such information to regulate our lives.







This is the resume after I watched the video


Learning ==> relative durable change in the knowledge that is due to experience.

Memory ==> generally is defined as the processes of encoding, storing, and retrieving information.


1. Attention

2.  Motivation è intrinsic and extrinsic

    Important Component of Learning

    Processes that allow us to:

    a. Record (encoding)

    The memory systems that are involved in the encoding or registration of information in memory are  sensory and short-term memory.

  • Sensory memory (sensory input) è information which first comes to us through our senses.
  • Short-term memory è generally holds seven plus or minus two “chunks” of unrelated information.

Sensory memory =>sensory memory =>encoding/attention => long-term memory => encoding / Retrieval

Encoding ==> 1. Automatic Processing

                     2. Effortful Processing => Elaborating Rehearsal

                                                      =>Maintenance rehearsal


Effortful Processing è understand the material well

  • Maintenance Rehearsal è Rote repetition of information

Strategy to learning:

  • Chunks
  • Highlight
  • Anticipate what will be tested


CBC Radio

By: widita

 Reform the school?? Why not??

In mass education, especially, the teachers still conventional and look classical such as demonstration. It is look that they limit the students. Just teach like they wanted and not effective. Students need the practical and the reality, not only the words. And even, the students forced to learn what they actually don’t want to learn (it is a pity 😦 )

As a teacher in the future we should have given the good materials and as what they need. Good facilities, it is very important. And in addition, give our students motivation to learn.







By: Widita_292010502



He interviewed some people with different background. The basic interview consists of a series of dilemmas: “Heinz Steals the Drug”

Heinz stole the drug because his wife severe illness, she was near death. Only one store which sold the drug, but the druggist sold in high cost and Heinz can buy it.  So, to get it, Heinz stole the drug.

From this interview, Kohlberg gets a good sampling of a subject’s moral thinking.



Level I. Preconventional Morality

Stages 1. Obedience and Punishment Orientation.

The child will be obeying because he or she is afraid with punishment. The child assumes that powerful authorities hand down a foxed set of rules which he or she must unquestioningly obey.

Stages 2. Individualism and Exchanged

The punishment should have avoided because it is only a risk. The truth is relative, different individuals have different viewpoints.


Level II. Conventional Morality

Stages 3. Good Interpersonal Relationships

She or he thinks to be a good person by help other people. She believes that people should live up to the expectations of the family and community and behave in “good” ways.

Stages 4.

This view still depends on family’s view but now, must view in large community. How participate with community and think about punishment.


Level III. Postconventional Morality.

Stages 5. Social Contract and Individual Right     

Considering the right and values that a society ought to uphold. Understand the right and the duty.

Stages 6. Universal Principles.

We need to protect certain individual right and settle dispute through democratic processes.





By: Widita_292010502


Self-esteem is a person’s positive or negative feelings of personal value or self-worth. Self-esteem includes cognitive, affective, and behavioral component. Self-esteem is the referent, but it is influenced by cognitive and behavioral factors.


The way one thinks impacts one’s self-esteem. There are three important concepts here:

  • Self-complexion refer to how many items make up one’s self-esteem
  • Centrality refer to the fact that we weight different areas of ourselves differently


People with high or good self-esteem have what is called a self-serving bias.

There are a lot of people with high self-esteem (mass murders, prisoners, gang member) than the general public. Because, they feel over confidence so they can do anything that they want without feeling guilty. Self-esteem can’t lay in high, average or low, so the best place went self esteem is exact in the time. There is problem with praise, kids which is always praised because of what their do, finally they will reluctant to do the task. So, be careful with your praise. 🙂

Self-esteem will be controlled by self-concept. Only, in ourselves can control our behavior.  




Portfolio Assessment

Friday, 2012-02-03

By: widita_292010502

Definition portfolio assessment

 A student portfolio is a systematic collection of student work and related material that depicts a student’s activities, accomplishments, and achievements in one or more school subjects. The collection should include evidence of student reflection and self-evaluation, guidelines for selecting the portfolio contents, and criteria for judging the quality of the work. The goal is to help students assemble portfolios that illustrate their talents, represent their writing capabilities, and tell their stories of school achievement.

 Advantages of Portfolio Assessment

  • Promoting student self-evaluation, reflection, and critical thinking.
  • Measuring performance based on genuine samples of student work.
  • Providing flexibility in measuring how students accomplish their learning goals.
  • Enabling teachers and students to share the responsibility for setting learning goals and for evaluating progress toward meeting those goals.
  • Giving students the opportunity to have extensive input into the learning process.
  • Facilitating cooperative learning activities, including peer evaluation and tutoring, cooperative learning groups, and peer conferencing.
  • Providing a process for structuring learning in stages.
  • Providing opportunities for students and teachers to discuss learning goals and the progress toward those goals in structured and unstructured conferences.
  • Enabling measurement of multiple dimensions of student progress by including different types of data and materials.

Disadvantages of Portfolio Assessment

  • Requiring extra time to plan an assessment system and conduct the assessment.
  • Gathering all of the necessary data and work samples can make portfolios bulky and difficult to manage.
  • Developing a systematic and deliberate management system is difficult, but this step is necessary in order to make portfolios more than a random collection of student work.
  • Scoring portfolios involves the extensive use of subjective evaluation procedures such as rating scales and professional judgment, and this limits reliability.
  • Scheduling individual portfolio conferences is difficulty and the length of each conference may interfere with other instructional activities



Portfolio Asses…


Review –  Technology to Assess Student Learning

Friday, 2012-02-03, By : Widita_292010502

Technology to Assess Student Learning

Living in the information age, students have grown up working with computers, cell phones and many other forms of technology. Although some of that technology has been kept out of the classroom, teachers can use various form of technology to help students learn and to assess the progression of their education.


Math teachers are known for their reluctance to accept new technology and desire to cling to the proven, effective, yet old-fashioned methods of using pen, paper and a calculator. Pearson Education’s MyMathLab is an online program that gives students homework assignments, tests and quizzes. Assignment content comes from the Pearson textbooks, but assignments can be customized by the teacher. The online exams are useful for pretesting students before a unit begins. The daily homework assignments allow the student to get help right away if he does not understand how to do a problem. The software walks a student through the problem and shows examples of similar problems.

Reading Counts

English and Literature teachers can use Scholastic Reading Counts to assess their students’ retention and comprehension of a book. Once a student finishes a book, she can take a quiz designed by Scholastic or customized by the teacher that will grade her understanding of the book. Once all students have taken the exam, the teacher can review the data and create charts or graphs in order to analyze the information.


Teachers of all subjects can make use of Blackboard. While it is generally used at the collegiate level, high schools are implementing the software into their curriculum. Blackboard allows teachers to create customized homework assignments, discussion boards, tests and quizzes. Students take exams on the Blackboard website and the software grades the exam and gives the student feedback about what he did wrong.

I think, many ways as possible to use technology as a tool in assessment. J

Source :

Review –  Technology to assess